Who is Sanaya?
You see, our glorious diversity – our diversity of faiths, and colors and creeds―that is not a threat to who we are, it makes us who we are.
— Michelle Obama



Thank you for being here. We are humbled and thrilled to bring you the Sanaya Set

I grew up a quiet child. Taking in, processing, but seldom speaking up. I was known as the shy, and at times, awkward one. :) I did not find my voice until after my daughter, Sanaya, was born. I made a promise to her and myself to never stay quiet in the face of injustice- 

Speak up for our diversity. 

Speak up in the face of hate. 

Speak up for equality. 

Shout loudly for inclusion and love. 

We care deeply about the civil rights of all people. We believe teaching and understanding intersectionality will create a better future for all. 

And this is how the Sanaya Set was born- there is no time better than the present to use our voices. 

With great passion for style and social justice, we are proud to bring you the Sanaya Set- to make you feel beautiful inside and out. 



Tarul Tripathi7 Comments